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Patient Information Regarding Disposal of Sharps Waste

Img not found At Sanofi U.S., we recognize the importance of proper disposal of sharps for patients and for the environment. Patients are at the heart of our activities, and this includes assisting patients looking for resources containing information on how to better use and dispose of our products. Sanofi U.S. has gathered information and guidance from external sources to help you understand the proper disposal of sharps.

Improper disposal of medicines and sharps, such as throwing sharps unprotected into the trash, can be dangerous to patients and others who may unknowingly be placed at risk. Protecting the public from improper disposal of sharps has become an increasingly important issue. Several states have passed or are considering legislation to make it illegal to dispose of sharps in household trash.

What is a sharp?

A sharp is generally any hypodermic needle, pen needle, intravenous needle, lancet, or other device used to penetrate the skin to assist in assessment or treatment of a condition or delivery of

Proper Disposal of Sharps

Used sharps should be placed in sharps containers and taken to appropriate collection sites that may include doctors’ offices, hospitals, pharmacies, health departments, fire stations or other locations.

Call your local solid waste department or public health department for information on correct sharps disposal locations in your area. These may be referred to as drop boxes or supervised collection sites.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist if they offer disposal, or if they know of safe disposal programs in the area.

Visit the States page of EPA's Wastes Web site for links to state health and solid waste/sanitation department contacts.

Visit the Center for Disease Control's Frequently Asked Question for more information about laws and regulations affecting the labeling, transportation, and disposal of used needles and other sharps in the community.
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Mail-Back Program
In California, we offer a mail-back program free to patients on our medicines. Patients place their used sharps in special containers and return the container by mail to a collection site for proper disposal. Containers will be sent to you at no cost and will include return postage for disposal.
The following products are included in this program: ADMELOG® (insulin lispro) injection 100 Units/mL, APIDRA® (insulin glulisine) injection 100 Units/mL, Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, INSULIN GLARGINE U-300 Injection, KEVZARA® (sarilumab) injection, LANTUS® (insulin glargine) injection 100 Units/mL, LOVENOX® (enoxaparin sodium injection), SOLIQUA® 100/33 (insulin glargine and lixisenatide) injection 100 Units/mL and 33 mcg/mL, TOUJEO® (insulin glargine) injection 300 Units/mL.

Please see full Prescribing Information, including boxed WARNING for Enoxaparin Sodium Injection and Lovenox.
Please see full Prescribing Information, including boxed WARNING for KEVZARA.

Please register below to order your container:

Fields marked with * are required.
Information about yourself (Please see Sanofi US Privacy Policy)

*First Name
* Last Name
*Email address

Please provide a valid email address (i.e.,

*Confirm Email Address

* Address


*Zip Code
*Please select the product that your request relates to (separate registration required for each product):  
Sanofi US respects your privacy and we understand that your health and the use of our medications can be a sensitive subject. Therefore, we want you to understand and agree with how we use the information you are providing by reading this carefully and clicking “I Agree” below. Sanofi US works with vendors to provide this service to you, which means we need to share the information with them so they can fulfill your request. There may be other times when we need to share the information, such as to comply with legal obligations or upon a sale, merger or other transfer of the business. Please see our website Privacy Policy for more information. As part of this Sharp’s Mail-Back Program and with the help of our vendors, we may send you information on the program and/or product or product related materials through the mail or email. You may opt-out from receiving these communications by contacting us at toll-free 800-633-1610 or clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email and following the directions to opt-out. In addition to the uses described above, we may use de-identified information for internal business purposes of Sanofi US or its affiliates. Please note that Sanofi US takes reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure against unauthorized access and use. Our vendors are obligated to keep your information confidential. Nevertheless, Sanofi US cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not gain access to your information; therefore, when submitting your personal information, you must weigh both the benefits and the risks.
You may have certain rights under applicable data privacy laws regarding the personal information that you provide, including the right to withdraw consent from future collection or sharing of your information. For further information regarding these rights, please reference Sanofi US Privacy Policies and the Health Data Privacy Policy Center
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© 2024 Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ADMELOG, APIDRA, Enoxaparin Sodium Injection, INSULIN GLARGINE U-300, KEVZARA, LANTUS, LOVENOX, SOLIQUA, and TOUJEO are registered trademarks of Sanofi or an affiliate.
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