Technical Support for the Online Job Tool
We're here to support you through the application process. Follow the technical tips below when using our online job tool.
If you're having problems using Sanofi's online job tool, the
information below may help. If not, feel free to contact us.
Confirm Browser and Settings
Start by checking that you're using a supported browser in the appropriate operating system:
You should also make sure that your browser has JavaScript enabled, as this setting is required for certain features of the job tool to work properly. To enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer:
1. Go to the Tools menu and select "Internet Options."
2. On the Security tab, make sure Internet is selected and then click the "Custom Level" button.
3. Scroll down to the Scripting section, and under Active Scripting select "Enable."
4. Click "OK" and then "OK" again to exit the boxes.
Some of the job tool's features may also require that cookies are enabled, so if you're still experiencing difficulties you should check your cookie settings. Certain browser add-ons (such as pop-up blockers, special toolbars, etc.) and other software such as firewalls may also interfere with the job tool's functioning, so you can also try temporarily disabling those while you complete your job application.
Follow Attachment File Size Limits
The job tool allows you to attach files of additional materials you'd like to submit, such as resumes, references, transcripts, and work samples. You can attach up to five files at a time with your application.
However, no single file may exceed 500 KB in size. Please check your file sizes very carefully. Attaching larger files may prevent your application from being submitted successfully. For cover letters and resumes, we strongly recommend you enter (or copy and paste) text into the designated fields instead of attaching files.